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Editorial book reviews for "This Is How We Heal from Painful Childhoods" by Ernest Ellender, PhD


The following are quotes and links from professional book reviewers in the book industry (as opposed to regular readers who leave reviews on sites like As a newly published indie-author, these are important for libraries and booksellers to know that the book is legit. I hope you enjoy! - Ernest Ellender, PhD

Literary Titan Review

" a conversation with a trusted friend or a therapy session... I cannot overstate the importance of this book." – Literary Titan

This link has the full Literary Titan editorial review, as well as an author interview and full book description...

book review Ernest Ellender Literary Titan psychologist life coach books about childhood trauma
Literary Titan 5-star book review

Clarion Reviews

" uplifting self-help guide to thriving." – Clarion Reviews

BlueInk Review

"...hard-boiled, hands-on advice for how to mitigate the lasting effects of child abuse." – BlueInk Review

The full review is available in pdf format here...

Readers' Favorite Review

"...informative and compassionate... a deeply insightful guide to overcoming trauma and achieving lasting personal development." – Jaime Michele

While this one is not officially an editorial review, it was written by one of the judges for the Readers' Favorite book contest...

book review Ernest Ellender PhD psychologist life coach books about childhood trauma

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